36 Days Of Type

EN The #36DaysOfType is a very well known challenge that happens every year on Instagram. The idea is, during 36 days, post a composition using a letter of our alphabet. This project was so important in my life, it was a journey with tons of fun and things to learn. I had to be consistent, constant, deal with my own ecpectations, I consolidated a style, a voice for my work, I found myself and I was sure of what I wanted for my life. All this learning was too valuable to die in my timeline, so I’m releasing a book compiling all the arts and sharing everything this project taught me, which goes a lot beyond illustration techniques.

PT O #36DaysOfType é um desafio muito conhecido que acontece todo ano no Instagram. A ideia é, durante 36 dias, postar uma composição utilizando uma letra do nosso alfabeto. Esse projeto foi fundamental na minha vida, foi uma jornada de muito aprendizado. Tive que ser consistente, constante, lidar com expectativas, consolidei um estilo, me encontrei mais na minha arte e tive a certeza do que queria pra minha vida. Todo esse aprendizado eu achei que era valioso demais para não compartilhar e morrer na minha timeline, por isso estou lançando um livro compilando todas as artes e dividindo tudo que esse projeto me ensinou, que vai muuuito além de técnicas de ilustração.

A” is for “Aquatic
B” is for “Bicycle
C” is for “Couple
D” is for “Donuts Truck
E” is for “Experiment
F” is for “Fox
G” is for “Galactic

H” is for “Horse Riding

I” is for “Inventor

J” is for “Jazz

K” is for “Karate


L” is for “Lemonade Stand

M” is for “Mermaid

N” is for “Nap

O” is for “Octopus

P” is for “Pirate

Q” is for “Queen

R” is for “Rain

S” is for “Savannah

T” is for “Travel

U” is for “UFO

V” is for “Vampire

W” is for “Whale

X” is for “X-Men

Y” is for “Yeti

Z” is for “Zombie


The Book | O Livro

Pre-Orders / Pré-venda: www.catarse.me/36daysoftype

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© 2024 Rodrigo Cordeiro